Today's world is populated by malware of all kinds. Their impacts on our information systems can be catastrophic, so it is necessary to know how to detect, identify, and eradicate them. The training “Malware Analysis" is the essential step to the training of a CyberSecurity Expert. The purpose of this training is to have a good knowledge on malware (x86) : types, mechanisms, functions, information to extract. While understanding and manipulating the concepts and tools leading to threat intelligence.
The many practical exercises are performed on the CYBELS Range training platform
virtualizing information systems representative of current network architectures.
Each trainee has at his disposal a Linux PC and his own information system on CYBELS
It can connect to many devices (PCs, servers, WAF, mobile devices ...).
The training also brings a RETEX in cybersecurity on Thales tools, equipment, projects
and solutions
After the course, the students know :